April 2023 Minutes



Regular Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 11, 2023


President Mike Montemurno called to order the regular meeting and
on ZOOM of the Delray Villas Plat 4/5 HOA Board of Directors on Tuesday, April
11, 2023, at 7:30 PM in the “B“ Building with the Pledge of Allegiance and a
moment of silence for our departed family, friends, neighbors, and service




The following Directors were present: Mike Montemurno, Bill
Yesowitch, Sheila Lane, Dianne Stevens, Russ Mayer, Debbie Willson, Alan
Rossman, Rick Mancini, Don Daugherty, Ruth Mirailh, and Hope Greenblatt.


Secretary’s Report


Dianne Stevens read the minutes of the March 14, 2023, meeting.
The minutes were accepted as read from a motion by Sheila Lane and seconded by
Bill Yesowitch. All directors were in favor.


Treasurer’s Report


Sheila Lane reported there are six (6) homes past due for two
quarters. All have been notified that we will be contacting our attorney if not
paid by the end of the month. Bill asked why our bank charges are so high.  Sheila responded that we are charged monthly
and we have always been charged that way. Mike Montemurno asked when we will
start depreciating the maintenance building. Sheila will speak to the
accountant. The treasurer’s report was accepted from a motion by Rick Mancini
and seconded by Russ Mayer. All were in favor.


Committee Reports


Alliance:  Alan Rossman reported the Sheriff’s Department has been
giving traffic citations at the dangerous intersections of Atlantic and Jog,
Atlantic and Military, and Atlantic and Lyons. The Sheriff’s Department
reported that there were 3500 fires reported in March. Facilities Development
and Operations is one of the five construction departments. They are
responsible for numerous facility areas of the county. The golf course on
Atlantic is still up for debate because they are uncertain what they are going
to do with it. They are concerned with overdevelopment.


Interviews & 55 Plus: Bill Yesowitch reported that this
month there were three homeowners and two rental interviews. All five
interviews have been approved. One homeowner and one rental interview is
scheduled for this Thursday.

Architectural: Mike Montemurno reported that ten applications were reviewed.
Seven were approved. Two were board members, Bill Yesowitch for house painting
and Mike Montemurno for driveway. Two applications to plant fruit trees were
denied.  Replacing fruit trees when they
die is not permitted.

Inspections:  Ruth Mirailh reported
homes will be inspected as soon as the weather permits. Inspection areas to be
covered are explained in Plat Chat.

Maintenance, Lakes,
& Ponds: 
Russ Mayer reported that
everything is the same as last month. However, we will be able to water more
because of the recent rain.


Lollipops and Carriage Lights: Rick
Mancini reported that there were 14 lollipop lights out. Please repair them.
Contact him if you need help.


Roads and FPL Lights: Rick Mancini reported
that there are still two open tickets with PBC for FPL lights. A supervisor
will get back to him. If he does not hear from him, Mike will elevate it to the
Utilities Commission for our residents’ safety.


Rec Board: Tony Costa reported
that everything is fine and we are fixing the step by the shower. Pat Lazaroff
reported that the next Rec Board meeting is Wednesday, April 19, 2023, at
7:00pm. She informed us that April 15th at 7:30 is Movie Night, $2.00/pp. The
Big Easy Casino is April 27th 9:15am, cost $20 get $25 back. Next
month there is a Mother’s Day Fashion Show on May 12th, $20/pp.

That’s What Friends Are
Noel Gordon reported that a letter will be in
next month’s Plat Chat looking for additional volunteer block captains. They
have 14 but they would like 20. They will be assigning coverage areas.

Citizens on Patrol: Llyod Lukens reported that PBC has a site called Crime Mapping
where you can put in an address and it will give you the crimes within a two-mile
radius. There were no crimes in Delray Villas in January and February. He
reported that two youths on bikes in the early morning are looking to break
into cars.

Website, 590, and 591: Alan Shwartz reported that Tom has shown him how to update
information on the website each month. There were 17 people on zoom tonight.
Everything else is good.

Plat Chat: Hope Greenblatt reported that the next issue is ready to go to
the printers. Llyod Lukens has given information on the COP. 

Distribution: Harvey Lazaroff reported that everything is good. He needs
more volunteers because snowbirds have left.

We Care: Paul Mirsky reported we are good for this month. Rick Mancini gave
out a couple of wheelchairs and a walker. We have restocked from getting
equipment back from the snowbirds. We do not accept or give out porta-potties.
Please discard them.

Welcoming Committee: Pat Lazaroff reported that they are going out over the next two
weeks, for the 9 new homeowners, after they replenish their supplies.

New Committee: A new committee has been commissioned to design new signage for
Delray Villas Plat 4/5. The committee members are Fran Rubenstein, Amy Kaplan,
and Nancy Grasso.

Old Business

House on 6351 Stanley Lane: We are still getting bids for the external work to be done. We
have two bids; we would like three.


On-going litigation: Bill Yesowitch reported that we are done. We signed the paperwork.
The matter is resolved.


Power Washer Unit: The new unit will be called Bernie’s Wagon and will be lettered as
such on the side. It will read Charlie’s Water on the front of the water tank
because Charlie Sanfilippo came up with the idea of how to fill the tank free.


Hedges: Mike reported that we
are hoping the rain will bring new growth. It will be six or seven months
before they are trimmed. We will exhaust all possibilities before we replace
all of them.


New Business


Fruit Trees: We do not allow any and
all new fruit trees in Delray Villas. If you have fruit trees, please pick up
the fruit that falls. The fruit attracts rodents.


Ducks: Two residents are still
feeding the ducks. They will be called in front of the board.


Good and Welfare:  Good and welfare began at 8:10pm


Adjournment: The meeting was
adjourned at 8:15 pm with a motion from Rick Mancini and seconded by Sheila


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