JUNE 2024 meeting


Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

President Mike Montemurno called to order the meeting and on ZOOM of the Delray Villas Plat 4/5 HOA Board of Directors on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 7:30 PM in the “B“ Building with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for our departed family, friends, neighbors, and service members. Mike acknowledged the passing of Joe Morris, a resident who did a lot for our community over the years. May he rest in peace.


The following Directors were present: Mike Montemurno, Sheila Lane, Dianne Stevens, Alan Rossman, Rick Mancini, Hope Greenblatt, Betty Hillier, and Nancy Grasso. Bill Yesowitch and Ruth Mirailh were excused.

 Secretary’s Report 

Secretary Dianne Stevens read the minutes of the May 15, 2024, meeting. The minutes were accepted from a motion by Sheila Lane and seconded by Rick Mancini. All directors were in favor.

 Treasurer’s Report 

Shiela Lane read the treasurer’s report. She stated that there are nine homeowners with past due payments and two are 6 months past due. They are with the attorney. Late payments are only fined $25.00. Our reserve account is $525,000. The treasurer’s report was accepted from a motion by Alan Rossman and seconded by Rick Mancini. All directors were in favor.

Committee Reports 

Alliance:  Alan Rossman reported there was no meeting in June.

Interviews: Alan Rossman reported that there were three interviews completed: one sale, one rental, and one inheritance.

Architectural: Alan Rossman reported that 11 applications were reviewed. All were approved.

Inspections:  Betty Hillier reported the committee has decided to start the re-inspections on August 1st. They will be out in August and September. This will not pertain to any driveways that need painting.

Maintenance, Lakes, & Ponds: Mike reported that we are in good shape. The lakes are going to be full because of the expected rain in the forecast. Palm Beach County will not be draining any water from our canals.

Roads and FPL Lights: Rick Mancini reported that the roads are good. All FPL lights are working now.

Lollipops and Carriage Lights: Rick Mancini reported that there are 10 lollipops/carriage lights that need attention in the community. He has parts for them. Call him if you need help. Two lights need electrical work done.

 Rec Board: Pat Lazaroff reported the next Rec Board meeting is on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at 7:00pm in the Viking Room. Two new TVs were put in the gym on two machines. Camille Montemurno reported that audits were given out to the rec board and only to the presidents (or associate) of each Plat. Also, we have postponed the vote. We need 722 votes for the docs to pass or fail. We need 722 votes to get this done. Please help us get the votes we need. If you know of anyone who hasn’t voted let us know we have ballots.

That’s What Friends are for:  Noel reported all is good.  We are ready for hurricane season.

 Citizens on Patrol:  No report

Website: Betty Hillier reported that some changes were made on the website. We updated some of the documents. We can put pictures of Plat 4/5 events.  Alan Shwartz reported that he is working with Betty making changes. Alan had Tom put on the Breezeline link and the paint chips link. We had 22 people on zoom that night.

 Plat Chat: Hope Greenblatt reported that Plat Chat is on vacation until the September edition.  Any articles for September should be in by August.

Distribution: Harvey Lazaroff reported that everything is fine.

We Care: Rick Mancini reported that We Care has a constant supply on hand. We Care is in good shape.                    

Welcoming Committee: Pat Lazaroff reported that they are up to date. Camille Montemurno made a suggestion that an up-to-date Rec newsletter and a copy of the Plat Chat are put in the welcome basket so new residents know of upcoming events when they arrive in the community.

 Old Business 

Landscaping: Mike reported the Board had a meeting with the landscaper and aired our grievances with him. We will let you know if he corrects everything.

Breezeline: Mike reported that he has scheduled a meeting with Breezeline’s upper management. We are not happy with the repair dates our residents have been getting when they call in.

 Wise House: Mike reported that the Board had a meeting that night with Dennis, the owner of Wise House. We are adding more rodent traps throughout the community. He will advise us as to how many we will need. We will address that once we get a number.

Rec Board Update: Mike reported that the Board heard from our attorney tonight saying that he has a response from the rec board’s attorney. Bill and Mike have not had a chance to digest it. They will report back to the membership with an update.

New Business

Summer Meetings: The Board has elected not to have a July or August meeting. If something comes up the Board will meet in a special session to take care of it.

Parking: The majority of parking issues have been resolved. There is still one person parking on the street. That individual will be getting a letter and a fine.

New Plat Signs: The Board has voted to hire an architect to design new signs for our Plat. Once we have the prints for the county and a rendition done, it will cost almost $10,000 from this year’s budget. The remaining cost will be on next year’s budget.

Phone Service: Mike reported that at a recent vendor event he attended in Plat 1, one of the vendors was a phone service for people who have hearing loss. This service is free. The hookup is free. It is all free. He suggested we take advantage of the service.

Good and Welfare: Good and Welfare concerns discussed were finding out the cost of cleaning out our road drains and the efforts of our attorney and the Rec board attorney.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:11pm with a motion from Rick Mancini and seconded by. 

Nancy Grasso.

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