September 2023 meeting
Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
President Mike Montemurno called to order the regular meeting and on ZOOM of the Delray Villas Plat 4/5 HOA Board of Directors on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, at 7:30 PM in the “B“ Building with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for our departed family, friends, neighbors, and service members.
The following Directors were present: Mike Montemurno, Bill Yesowitch, Sheila Lane, Alan Rossman, Rick Mancini, Ruth Mirailh, and Hope Greenblatt. Dianne Stevens, Russ Mayer, Debbie Willson, and Don Daugherty were excused.
Secretary’s Report
Alan Rossman read the minutes of the June 10, 2023, meeting. The minutes were accepted as read from a motion by Rick Mancini and seconded by Ruth Mirailh. All directors were in favor.
Treasurer’s Report
Sheila Lane reported there are nine homes past due this quarter. One is with the attorney. The treasurer’s report was accepted from a motion by Alan Rossman and seconded by Ruth Mirailh. All directors were in favor.
Committee Reports
Alliance: Alan Rossman reported that the PBSO said that accidents are down 4% but thief is up. Please lock your doors. Rep. Lois Frankel reported that the new Covid shots are available and are free. A representative from the PBC schools reported that we are the only county to not ban books but what they did do was to move the books to the appropriate age groups. AP courses remain the same. Rick Mancini reminded us that voting by mail is not automatic, you must reapply. He also reported the meeting on the insurance problems put more emphasis on the law and not on the insurance itself. The best solution for us is to join the National Catastrophic Pool.
Interviews: Bill Yesowitch reported that over the last two months there were ten interviews approved with two pending. Year-to-date: we have had 21 sales, 6 rentals, and 1 inheritance. 55+: On August 17, 2023, the annual census was completed and we are 90% incompliance. The lawsuit was settled in mediation with no monies exchanged. The arrangement is the dog must be chained up in the yard and is not allowed in the community at all. If these conditions are not met, the dog must be removed.
Architectural: Alan Rossman reported that 37 applications were reviewed. Thirty-six were approved. One was not. A new form was made regarding outside planting to let the maintenance crew know if there is a need to make any changes to the sprinkler heads.
Inspections: Ruth Mirailh reported that three quarters of the homes have been inspected. Letters are going out.
Maintenance, Lakes, & Ponds: Mike reported that everything is good. The water level is high due to the excess rain.
Lollipops and Carriage Lights: Rick Mancini reported that there were 18 lollipops/carriage lights out. Some are repeats from previous months taking into account the snowbirds.
Roads and FPL Lights: Rick Mancini reported that the roads are great and there are 5 FPL lights out.
Rec Board: Pat Lazaroff reported that there is no Rec Board meeting next Wednesday, September 18, 2023.
That’s What Friends Are For: Noel Gordon reported that there are no changes from last month due to no hurricanes.
Citizens on Patrol: No report.
Website, 590, and 591: Alan Shwartz reported all is good. There was a computer issue that has been fixed with the $490 purchase of a small new laptop which will be in soon. There were 19 people on Zoom that night. Mike spoke to Tom and he will come in to speak with the board regarding our issues.
Plat Chat: Hope Greenblatt reported that the Plat Chat committee has five new members. We also have someone who is experienced in Publisher.
Distribution: Harvey Lazaroff reported that everything is good.
We Care: Rick Mancini reported we are limited on shower chairs.
Welcoming Committee: Pat reported that they will be going out soon.
Old Business
Plat Chat: Mike Montemurno thanked Camille Montemurno on behalf of the community for her commitment to Plat Chat for almost 2 years. Plat Chat is now being administered by Hope Greenblatt and her committee.
Summer HOA Meetings: Mike reported that we will not have two meetings off in the summer in the future. It did not workout. We will only have the month of August off.
New Business
Budget: Mike reported the good news that we have a budget. However, we are raising our HOA fee $7 and the Rec Board is raising there’s $15, which is a total of $22 more each month starting in January 2024. We now pay $648/quarter, the additional $22/month will raise the HOA fee to $714/quarter. Ours is a cost-of-living increase. The Rec Board increase is partially due to their insurance increase.
Motions: A motion was made by Bill Yesowitch and seconded by Ruth Mirailh to accept the budget prepared by the budget committee and presented to the board on September 12, 2023. All were in favor.
Mike proposed that the HOA plant bushes around the pump house for a better appearance in the community. All were in favor.
Mike proposed for the HOA to cut back a tree on the corner of Stanley and Lake Ida. All were in favor.
Legal Counsel: Mike and Bill spoke about our recent dog issue mediation. Our insurer provided us with an attorney who defended our Association with our countersuit. She was fantastic and a real Pitbull. Our present attorney group is raising their rates. We will compare both companies and make a decision as to which will serve us the best, with litigation and billable hours.
Good and Welfare: Good and welfare began at 8:29pm
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm with a motion from Rick Mancini and seconded by Bill Yesowitch.