September 2024 meeting


Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 10, 2024


President Mike Montemurno called to order the meeting and on ZOOM of the Delray Villas Plat 4/5 HOA Board of Directors on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 7:30 PM in the “B“ Building with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for our departed family, friends, neighbors, and service members.



The following Directors were present: Mike Montemurno, Bill Yesowitch, Dianne Stevens, Alan Rossman, Rick Mancini, Hope Greenblatt, and Betty Hillier.  Sheila Lane, Nancy Grasso and Ruth Mirailh were excused.

Secretary’s Report

Secretary Dianne Stevens read the minutes of the June 11, 2024, meeting. The minutes were accepted from a motion by Rick Mancini and seconded by Hope Greenblatt. All directors were in favor.

 Treasurer’s Report

There was no reading of the report this month.  Shiela Lane will read the treasurer’s reports for September and October at the next meeting in October. Our reserve account is $525,000.


Committee Reports

Alliance:  Alan Rossman and Rick Mancini reported that Operation Heatwave’s crackdown on crime produced a 70% drop in crime in our area. The Fire Department opened a new house at Kings Point. There are new HOA rules from the State which we are in compliance with.


Interviews: Bill Yesowitch reported that there was one interview completed over the summer for one sale.


Architectural: Alan Rossman reported that 15 applications were reviewed. All were approved.


Inspections:  No report


Maintenance, Lakes, & Ponds: Mike reported that the pumps are working fine.


Roads and FPL Lights: Rick Mancini reported that the roads are good. All FPL lights are working now.


Lollipops and Carriage Lights: Rick Mancini reported that there are 8 lollipops/carriage lights that need attention in the community. He has parts for them. Call him if you need help.

Rec Board: 
Pat Lazaroff reported the next Rec Board meeting is on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 7:00pm in the Viking Room. Lynne Cohen reported that there will be a Halloween Party on October 26, 2024. Warren will be the DJ. $15.00/pp Costumes are optional. The Diamond Party is on November 11, 2024, for residents over 80 years old and veterans. Lunch will be served. New Years Eve: Avellino’s will be catering. Tickets are $55.00/pp. Entertainment will be a DJ and comic. We will be providing a layaway for payment. It must be totally paid for before New Year’s Eve. Camille Montemurno reported the clubhouse will be closed from Sept 18 to September 24. The total cost of removing the termites is $37,500 so far. The pool will be open on Wednesday September 25th.  No notification is necessary unless the Health Department doesn’t clear us.


That’s What Friends are for:  Noel reported no hurricanes; no problems.  One elderly person needs help with her shutters.

Citizens on Patrol:  No report

Website: Betty Hillier reported that she and Alan have added the ACC application to the website. You can go online to pull up the application, fill it out, drop it off at Alan Rossman’s house.

Plat Chat: Hope Greenblatt reported they need articles for the October edition. If you know of anyone who would like to advertise, we have an open spot for $450.00.


Distribution: No report.


We Care: Rick Mancini reported that We Care has a constant supply on hand. We Care is in good shape. If anyone needs anything, reach out to us.  We have medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, etc.                


Welcoming Committee: Pat Lazaroff reported that they have one to go.

Old Business

Landscaping: Mike reported we have a new landscaper, Major League. It was a hard start for him because of the condition he came into.  Everything seems to be under control now.


New Business 

Termites:  Mike gave a thorough explanation as to what will be done and how it will be done, to remove the termites.


October: Mike reported that October is the month to declare if you are going to run for the Plat 4/5 HOA Board and our Plat’s representatives on the Rec Board. There are 4 seats on the HOA Board open and 2 seats on the Rec Board open.

Parking: The majority of parking issues have been resolved. There is still one person on Packard parking his truck on the street. That individual will be coming in front of the Board because he just doesn’t get it.

New Plat Signs: The Board has accepted a proposal from the architect. We are going ahead with a color orientation so you can actually see what the signs are going to look like. The new signs will be 9 feet long and 7 feet 2 inches high. We have a quote for $75,000.00 from the contractor for five signs. We will also need landscaping done around the signs which will bring the cost to around $100,000.00. The Board has approved this. We will be using one hundred thousand dollars from our $535,000 reserves to pay for the signs.


Good and Welfare: The Good and Welfare issues discussed were a suggestion for the Rec Board to produce a maintenance schedule as to what are and what may be issues in the future.  Also, there was a concern about lawn irrigation.


Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:31pm with a motion from Bill Yesowitch and seconded by Rick Mancini.


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